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Writer's picture: Fundación INDERAFundación INDERA

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

TRANSNATIONAL ONLINE TEACHERS CONFERENCE “Strategies to address cyber sexual and gender-based violence"

We are delighted to invite you to the international teachers' conference dedicated to prevention of cyber sexual and gender-based violence in youth intimate partner relationships: Strategies to address cyber sexual and gender-based violence in schools.

The conference will be an opportunity to discuss different approaches, emerging good practices in the field of preventing and addressing cyber SGBV as well as to encourage exchange experiences and transnational networking of teachers around the topic of elimination of cyber SGBV.

The conference is organized as a part of the EU project “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships”. Through cooperation with secondary schools, the project wishes to ensure increased awareness of youth and education professionals on cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships, gender stereotypes and norms that contribute to the tolerance of violence. The project is being delivered by a partnership of the following organizations: The Autonomous Women’s Centre (Serbia), Fundacion Privada Indera (Catalonia, Spain), Nők a Nőkért Együtt az Erőszak Ellen (Hungary) and CESI (Croatia).

The language of conference is English. Presentations will have simultaneous translation from English into Croatian/Serbian, Spanish and Hungarian. Discussion will have simultaneous translation from and into Croatian/Serbian Spanish and Hungarian and English.

For registration and practical information, including registration deadlines, please register here.

Please feel free to circulate this information on to any relevant colleagues.

We very much hope that you will be able to attend, and look forward to welcoming you at the conference.


“Strategies to address cyber sexual and gender-based violence in schools”

10:00 – 10:15

● Welcome and introduction to the project and the conference.

● Presentation of the partners (AWC, CESI, INDERA, NANE)

10:15 – 10:45

Youth & Violence in Virtual Environment - Do We Know What is Happening on the “Other Side of the Screen”?

Sabina Mandic, mag.paed.soc., Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Behavioral Disorders, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb.

This presentation will address the unacceptable behaviors of youth in a virtual environment, with special emphasis on electronic violence and electronic sexual violence both in the general population of the youth and in youth relationships. In addition, the results of recent domestic and international research on the behavior of teenagers on the Internet will be presented (in the area of electronic sexual violence). Also, valuable materials for working with students in the school environment will be given to the participants, and examples from practice will be shared.

10:45– 11:15

Like, Like, Like ….But where’s the love?

Rebecca Baldwin, Media Educator

Rebecca has a passion for both women’s and men’s health and how we can best support each other to true vitality and freedom of expression, beyond the gendered stereotypes that we are confined by. She regularly presents on social media, the media, body image and its impacts on our health, wellbeing and sense of self. Through her work as a media educator she has spoken to hundreds of young people on their experiences of the online world and how it affects their relationships with themselves and each other. Through media literacy she supports young people to read beyond the images they are exposed to online, whether through the media’s stereotyping or other young people’s emulation of this.

11.15 – 11.50 Discussion

11:50 - 12:00 Break

12:00 – 12:30

What kind of porn does your child watch?

Members of NEM! (Women for Eachother Movement), Hungary

NEM! is a critical feminist organisation. Its goal is to reflect on the situation of Hungarian women and to build a community fighting against the bad influence of patriarchy and the economic system on women’s life. In 2020/21 they work on their campaign against porn. It’s motto is “Porn is not sex, porn is violence” and its purpose is to raise people's attention to the maleficient effects of the porn industry which is the institutionalized form of violence against women. In their presentation, they will talk about the bad influence of porn on children, the ways of prevention and raising attention, their campaign, and the tools that we can all use to make a change in the hands of the porn industry - which is everywhere.

12:30 – 13:00

We are that important link!

Aleksandra Aksentijević, literature and language teacher and MA of gender studies and Vesna Ilić, psychologist in High School in Paraćin, will present a case study from Serbia and talk about their experiences in including the topics of gender equality and gender based (digital) violence in regular school curriculums.

How challenging really is to make gender-related and gender-sensitive topics a regular part of secondary education? Are these topics really completely absent from plans and curriculums and how approachable existing plans are for their inclusion?

13.00- 13.30 Discussion

13:30 – 14:00

● Final Reflection and Conclusions

● Closing of the Conference and Conference Evaluation

"INDERA - Well-being is our Foundation"

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Registered charity: 1604


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